Detroit Pistons

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tech Article 9/25

The BMW i8

the Bmw is the first sports vehicle that has the same emission and consumption values as a compact car. This model has a sleek carbon finish with a added layering design. Not only that but BMW has also taken a leap into the energy efficient side of motoring. The i8 is going to pride in economic significance. The BMW i8 offers far more than pure athleticism. With its unique drive concept, it essentially reinvents the idea of sporting mobility. This is because the powerful plug-in hybrid system with the combination of BMW eDrive technology and a BMW TwinPower Turbo 1.5-litre.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Multimedia Blog

     Multimedia Blog Post

So far in the school year, we've hit the ground running. It hasn't necessarily been a bulk of work, however it didn't take as long to get into the swing of things as far as homework, class work etc..
Along the way i've realized that some of my classes subliminally input technology. Classes such as U.S. History has started to introduce the recently released "Chromebooks." Well actually the school has taken the initiative to introduce the new laptops to every major subject (Math, Biology, History etc..) I see it to be efficient but at the same time a little on the unnecessary side. I appreciate the idea of implementing new technology but at the same time is it really needed?

    In my U.S. History, Ms. Gavin is slowly but surely trying to persuade us to start utilizing the various extensive technologies that are out there. Recently she has informed us about the online textbook that we ca use. Although it requires a login and password, it contains a massive amount of ways to stay connected to learning about history. Especially in the age of technology and phone use,the online textbook allows you to download sound bytes of  any section of the actual text book that you need. This allows you to listen to that section as if it were a song playing from your phone. So rather than reading it, you are being read to. Also you can download certain sections as PD F files to your desktop rather than having to get to the online textbook via the internet. All of this may not necessarily seem "exciting", however it is impossible not to acknowledge how easy and efficient this is.

   Going into to the class, I didn't really expect to enjoy it because  history itself was never appealing to high school students. However Mrs. Gavin is a great teacher. She teaches things through open class discussions and simple "easy to learn" power point presentations. She teaches to a point where students actually want to come to class. Her grading policy consists of:
Quizzes: 25%
Homework: 10%
Tests and Projects; 35%
Class Participation: 20%
Class work: 10%

She has also offered any missing classwork or homework on her website. This has offered no excuse not to complete any assignments. And it has provided a better alternative to asking friends for anything.